Ekadashi Vrata is a powerful remedy suggested by the shastras or scriptures to come out of papa buddhi, the desire or intelligence that engages one in sinful activity.
Ekadashi is observed twice a month when the moon is in its waning and waxing phase. On this day, devotees undertake a fast from grains and lentils to purify their mind and body, and to achieve spiritual upliftment.
Ekadashi helps in purifying oneself by removing all kinds of sinful reactions and desires to commit sin from one’s heart. It is said that by fasting on this day and chanting the holy names of Lord Shri Krishna, one can completely remove the tendency to commit sin from deep within the heart.
On Ekadashi staying close to the Supreme Lord by bringing all 11 senses (11 senses that humans possess – five knowledge-acquiring senses, five working senses, and one mind) by engaging in chanting and serving Lord Krishna is the purpose of observing Ekadashi. Also the eleventh sense is mind. Krishna says in Bhagavad-Gita that the mind should be completely absorbed in Him. Therefore, on Ekadashi, the mind should be closer to God, and one should fast from all material things and increase the spiritual activities.
What is Ekadasi Thithi?
Thithi is the distance covered by the moon in 24 hours around the Earth when the moon moves for about 12.41 degrees in space around the earth.The 11th day of the Fortnight is known as ekadashi in Sanskrit, and it is the day when the moon’s maximum pull or magnetic pull is on the human body.
Scientific reason on what happens to the human body during ekadashi?
During ekadashi, there is a disruption in the digestive system and human body does not secrete enough fluid in the digestive system. The brain, memory, and decision-making capacity also weaken during this time. Loading the body with food during ekadashi is not recommended because the digestive system is not in its best capacity, and the non-digested food can become toxic in the body, causing various negative effects and diseases.The moon affects the human body because it has a pulling effect on the water in the body. The human body is made up of about 70-80 percent water, so it is not immune to the moon’s pull. The moon’s magnetic pull on the body is highest during the 11th day of the Fortnight, which can cause disruptions in the digestive system, memory, and decision-making capacity.
Scientific reason on why to fast on Ekadashi and How it helps our health?
Junk DNA refers to non-coding DNA that has no known function in the body. However, recent research suggests that it may have a role in regulating gene expression and may play a role in disease development. Fasting for 36 hours during the phase of the moon on the 11th day of the fortnight, known as Ekadashi, can help reduce the junk DNA. It was discovered through scientific research that avoiding meat, alcohol, also can reduce the loss of junk DNA.
How is Ekadashi observed?
On Ekadashi, devotees undertake a fast from grains and lentils and consume only fruits, milk, and other non-grain food items. They spend the day in prayer, meditation, service and chanting the holy names of Lord Shri Krishna.
What is the pastime behind Ekadashi?
There are several pastimes related to Ekadashi. One of the pasgtimes is related to the demon called Mura Rakshasa, who was troubling the whole world. The devatas and sages prayed to Lord Krishna to save them. Lord Krishna fought with the demon for thousands of years, which is called Vidambana, and finally defeated him on the day of Ekadashi. This day is celebrated as the victory of good over evil.
What is the significance of chanting the Hare Krishna mantra on Ekadashi?
Chanting the Hare Krishna mantra on Ekadashi is considered highly meritorious and purifying. It is said to completely remove the tendency to commit sin from deep within the heart.
What is the significance of avoiding grain food on Ekadashi?
On Ekadashi, avoiding grain food is significant because the desire for sinful activity is present in the grain food on that day, and if one eats such food, the sinful desire will enter their heart, leading to sinful thinking, feeling, and acting. Additionally, it is said that if anyone eats food that is forbidden, they will get the sin of mahapapa, which can result in suffering in hell for one kalpa of Brahma (which is a very long time).
What is the significance of fasting on Ekadashi?
Fasting on Ekadashi is a way to remind oneself to stay close to God, as it helps bring all 11 senses closer to the Supreme Lord. It is believed that the magnetic pull of the moon on the human body during this phase can cause stress on the body, so fasting helps avoid this stress. It has also been discovered that fasting for 36 hours during Ekadashi can reduce the loss of junk DNA.
Why one should fast from grains on Ekadashi?
One should not eat grains on Ekadashi because the grains retain maximum water in our body. The moon already has a lot of pull on the body because it has 80% water, and keeping something in the body that increases the water content in the body is not good. Also, grains consume a lot of water even to grow, and to cook rice, for example, a lot of water is needed. The whole idea is to reduce water retention in the human body during this phase of the moon so that one doesn’t come under its full gravitational pull and affect their memory, thinking, and decision-making.
What is the meaning of upavas or upawas?
Upavas or Upawas means being very close to God. It also means fasting, which means not giving any food.
What should one do on Ekadashi?
One should be active spiritually. One should engage in spiritual activities such as reading the Srimad Bhagavad-Gita or Bhagavatam, association the devotees or vaishnavas, having the darshan of the Lord, listening to more and more spiritual vibration, chanting the Holy Name Hare Krishna Maha Mantra, and serving the Lord.